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hi, I'm not sure what is even meant by "ethnic" music,(I remember a
colleague in FOlklore STudies having a button made, and proudly wearing
it - "English is ethnic too!")
In Sephardic (and other as well of course) music, I would much rather
listen to a very innovative performance which is honestly presented as
innovative, than to one which claims to be "authentic" or "historical"
or whatever, and is anything but (even given the dubious value of words
like "authentic".) If it's presented honestly, I can sit back and enjoy
it (or not enjoy it) based on musical criteria, and often do enjoy it;
but if it's presented as "authentic" which it hardly ever is then I end
up so annoyed that appreciating the music as music becomes difficult.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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