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Re: recording of Avinu Malkenu

At 11:49 AM 9/10/03, Ari Davidow wrote:
>Can anyone recommend a good cantorial recording of "Avinu Malkenu"? A 
>friend who is just getting into nusakh was hoping to have one to listen to 
>in time for the high holidays.

Cantorial recordings are generally not good sources for learning basic 
nusach.  There are nusach recordings for this purpose.  One of the best for 
East-European Ashkenazic High Holiday nusach is this one.

If one is =really= into spiritual blackmail (JOKE) one can help support 
their local cantor by taking private lessons.  Of course, the website that 
Irwin recommended is ideal because it's complete, in tune much of the time, 
and FREE -- therefore on a much more elevated spiritual plane.

Kidding aside: is an astonishing resource.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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