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IAYC conference/Lorele's new CD

Tayere khaveyrim,

I would like to remind everyone of the International Association of 
Yiddish Clubs conference that will take place Sept 4th through 7th in 
Baltimore.  If you are nearby you can attend the Thursday concert, which 
I will be performing with Steven Greenman and Walt Mahovlich, or my 
workshop on Mikhl Gelbart on Friday, or any of the other concerts or 
workshops.  Go to Fishl Kutner's Der Bay website for exact info and 

As the theme of the conference is Yiddish Teachers: Heroes then and now, 
I decided to do a program of the music of composer and teacher Mikhl 
Gelbart.  Since we were already rehearsing, I thought "why not record 
it?"  It was all done so quickly I can hardly believe it (Started in 
rehearsals in June, CD ready this week!)!

My new CD is called, Vessel of Song: The Music of Mikhl Gelbart, and the 
musicians on the recording are: Steven and Walt, Alex Fedoriouk, Henry 
Shapiro, and very special guest, Adrianne Greenbaum.  They all did such 
a fabulous job, as usual.  I really love this material, which ranges 
from Gelbart's yontef songs and shule songs to his incredibly beautiful 
art songs, and hope you all will want to hear it.  I did a lot of 
research, had some help from wonderful friends on this list, and include 
a 24 page booklet with bios of the authors and what may be the first 
biography of Gelbart in English.

Not much of a "press release"; just an informal announcement to my 
friends thus far, but let me know if you'd like to get a copy.  I look 
forward to hearing from you soon.

mit frayndshaft un muzik,

You can hear Lori's CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: Passover, 
at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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