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Re: rubles in 1905-1910

Actually I started answering yesterday - I did not finished because ... I
dont remember; then I just turned off the computer..

some facts I found:

After Count Oginsky became the owner of Salant lands in 1885, he wanted to
evict the Jews from their homes claiming that the Jews living on his lands
were living there illegally. The conflict had to be resolved in court and
the verdict was passed in favour of the Jews who stayed on in their homes
after paying the claimant a fee of 60 Rubels per house.


In 1886 the Jewish Hospital in Ponevezh opened in a magnificient and
spacious building in a beautiful park. The hospital was built outside the
town on a plot that was purchased by the wealthy leaders of the community
(M.Z. Kisin; J.Tsemachovitz and others) for 10,000 rubels, an enormous sum
in those days.


Table 22:  Foreign Exchange Rates on the Berlin Exchange-1913

      Exchange/Currency                       Exchange Rate
      Vienna, per 100 Kronen                (in marks)  84.65
      St. Petersburg, per 100 Rubels                      215.00
      Amsterdam, per 100 Floren                           168.84
      Paris, per 100 Franc                                         81.04
      London, per Pound                                           21.47
      New York, per 100 Dollars                            419.94


Maybe no one else dealt so accurately with the description of how Russia had
involved Europe in World War I, as Henri POZZI, French author, His words are
authentic considering the fact that his nation was fighting side by side
with the Russians. "The Pan-Serbian secret organizations are directed and
financially supported by Baron HARTWIG, ambassador to Belgrade. The
"Ujedeninenje ili Smrt" (Unity or Death) is supported by him with 1500
Rubels monthly. On 19 June 1914 he submitted 3000 Rubels to Major Voja
TANKOSIC for the purpose of the "Attempt of Sarajevo", 8


A larger group followed, departing in JUNE 1876. Our ancestors, Andreas
DINKEL and Katharine KUHN, were among this latter group. Departing Saratov,
this group occupied 17 coaches, some progressed to Hamberg and the remainder
to Bremen. Andreas and Katharina were in the group progressing to Bremen.
The Bremen group took passage on the North German Lloyd S.S. Mosel, under
the command of ship master H. A. F. Neymaker. The fare was 38 rubels (27.36)
per passenger. Katharina is listed as passenger 514 in steerage and Andreas
is listed as passenger 542 in steerage on the passenger list of the ship,
which includes 705 passengers. The S.S. Mosel arrived athe the Port of New
York on 29 JULY 1876. Those coming to Kansas immediatly made arrangements,
at rubles (11.52) per passenger, to proceed to Kansas arriving at
Herzog/Victoria on 3 AUGUST 1876, the rubel was worth 72 cents.


all the mentioned amounts refer to 1880´s - but I can imagine that 8 rubles
in the 1910´s are definitely NOT MUCH! - If you like to get further infos: I
looked it up in Google ("rubels +1910 +poland", 2nd try: without "poland")

regards from Vienna!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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