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Re: Klezfest in Ukraine, 2003

Center of Jewish education wrote:
> Klezmer music is the soul of the Jewish people. That is why the
> revival of Jewish spirituality is impossible without reviving the
> singing and dancing heritage of the previous ages. 

Boy, *that's* a statement that can't be left unchallenged.

I love and play the music.  It does indeed figure into my "spirituality".

It is in NO way a necessary, central component.  I know many many Jews
- whose "spirituality" is revived or never needed reviving - who make
it on things like mitzvot, study, tefilla, fellowship, and the like.

Or on music other than klezmer.  

Moses didn't need it.  David didn't need it.  Bar Kochba didn't need it.
The Levites didn't need it.  Rambam didn't need it.  

I wish the Ukraine Festival well, and hail it as a wonderful thing for many
many good reasons.  But Jewish "spirituality" quite possible without 
reviving the singing and dancing heritage of a particular place and time
for one segment the Jewish population.

Certainly during the Nine Days!

roger reid

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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