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Re: Klezfest in Ukraine, 2003

You can contact Jeff by jeffrey(dot)perlman (at) aya(dot)yale(dot)edu


>Center of Jewish education wrote:

>><Klezfest in Ukraine - 2003> gathers friends!
>>Klezmer music
>>Also, for the first time ever, "Klezfest in Ukraine - 2003" will
>>devote special attention to the methods of promoting of klezmer
>>music performers in the music market. With this purpose, the
>>Jewish Volunteers Corps a project of  the American Jewish World
>>Service will send Jeffrey Perelman who will teach special topics
>> such as "The Music Market and Self-Advertisement" and
>>"Self-Promotion: Planning a Concert Tour Without Manager".
>I'd like to attend this session myself!  Is anyone going who can share
>the info Perelman will be teaching?

>You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me;
>Vol.1: Passover, at: Only $15 & postage.
>Email me for more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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