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Re: guess who's coming to IAYC Yiddish Conference

Fabulous news.  Capping a star-studded roster of performers and presenters
at the Baltimore Yiddish Conference of the International Association of
Yiddish Clubs to be held in Baltimore, SEPT. 4,5,6,7 IS NONE OTHER THAN

ZALMEN MLOTEK  in a very important musical salute to Yiddish Theater and his
parents, both pioneers in Yiddish education. His parents Yosl (z'Zl" and
mother Chane Gordon Mlotek are the compilers of the much used collections of
Yiddish songs -- namely the red, blue and purple books.

For those not familiar with his distinguished background, here is an
abbreviated bio -- 

Zalmen Mlotek and the Folksbiene

       Zalmen Mlotek, an internationally recognized authority on Yiddish
folk and theater music, is a leading figure in the Jewish theatre and
concert worlds. Raised in a prominent Yiddish-speaking family renowned for
their Jewish songbook collections, he has been an innovative force in
bringing contemporary musical theater pieces about the Jewish-American
experience to Broadway and to  communities nationwide.

       Mr. Mlotek brought Yiddish-Klezmer music to Broadway and off-Broadway
stages as co-creator, music director, and conductor of Those Were the Days,
the first bilingual musical honored with a Drama Desk Award and nominated
for two Tony Awards. In addition, he was co-creator, music director and
conductor for the production of The Golden Land, an off-Broadway hit that
toured nationally and which was brought to Italy by Leonard Bernstein. Mr.
Mlotek was also the arranger and music director for Isaac Bashevis Singer
and Robert Brustein's acclaimed production of Shlemiel the First at Lincoln
Center's Serious Fun Festival. Mr. Mlotek conceived and was musical director
for the first All Star Klezmer Extravaganza at Lincoln Center, which was
filmed by PBS for Great Performances and later released on CD and video as
the best selling In the Fiddler's House with Itzhak Perlman.  New
productions include an international tour of Ghetto Tango, his
groundbreaking collaboration with Adrienne Cooper on music theater of World
War II. 

       In 1998 Mr. Mlotek took over the co-artistic directorship of the
Folksbiene Yiddish Theater in New York City; the longest  continuously
operating Yiddish theater company in the world. This past year he became the
Executive Director. In the past five years, Folksbiene has presented a mix
of new presentations as well as classics from the Yiddish theater

       In addition the Folksbiene presents entertainment specifically for
families with children, Kids and Yiddish, an interactive musical
presentation, is aimed at giving children an introduction to Yiddish
language and culture in a fun setting. It has been a regular addition to the
Folksbiene season ever since with noted Yiddish actors, storytellers,
musicians and puppeteers joined  together to bring an appreciation of
Yiddish to that most important audience, the new generation.  Folksbiene has
also initiated a Spring Reading Series, where classics from the Yiddish
theater repertory have been heard often for the first time in many years,
all with simultaneous English translation.
       Zalmen Mlotek is the music director of The New Yiddish Chorale, a
vocal ensemble established in 1995 to present sophisticated Yiddish choral
repertoire. This group's annual performances have been received with
critical  acclaim in the Jewish music community. His Yiddish choral work can
also be heard on Mandy Patinkin's recent Yiddish language CD, Mameloshen, on
Nonesuch Records. 

       For the past five years he has been invited to the former Soviet
Union, specifically, St. Petersberg and Kiev, the Ukraine to work with
Russian musicians to help foster the reawakening of Yiddish culture. He has
given master classes in Yiddish art songs, folk, and theater music at
Columbia University, the Jewish Theological Seminary, Hebrew Union College,
University of California at Berkeley, and Bar Ilan, Israel.

We must receive registrations by August 13th or we cannot guarantee Hilton
room availablility or the protected rate ( $95 USD plus 13% tax.

For info contact
sylvia schildt at creativa (at) charm(dot)net or call 410 298 4765.

7/30/03 10:46 AM, Center of Jewish education at center (at) 

> <Klezfest in Ukraine - 2003> gathers friends!
> Klezmer music is the soul of the Jewish people. That is why the
> revival of Jewish spirituality is impossible without reviving the
> singing and dancing heritage of the previous ages. For the fourth
> year in a row Klezfest has been gathering friends in Ukraine.
> <Klezfest> is not an ordinary festival where winners are named and
> prizes given out. It is an international seminar. The best klezmer
> players and singers from this country and abroad consider it an
> honor to attend it. This year, organizers of the <Klezfest in
> Ukraine - 2003>, Yana and Boris Yanover, have invited 55 best
> performers from Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Estonia, Russia, Great
> Britain, USA, and Canada! As usual, the level of master classes
> will be high. Famous experts in instrumental music and vocal will
> teach them. Among them will be Marilyn Lerner (Canada), famous
> pianist, composer and arranger; soloist of the "Flying Bulgar
> Klezmer Band", famous performer of songs in Yiddish Adrienne
> Cooper, (USA), and the world's famous leader of traditional
> klezmer style, soloist of the <Sukke> trio, clarinetist Merlin
> Shepherd (UK).
> Also, alumni of Ukrainian and St. Petersburg Klezfests will appear
> as teachers for the first time. They will be Paulina Achkinazi and
> Mark Kogan (Russia), Yefim Chorny (Moldova), Natalie Kasyanchik
> and Gennady Fomin (Ukraine).
> Also, for the first time ever, "Klezfest in Ukraine - 2003" will
> devote special attention to the methods of promoting of klezmer
> music performers in the music market. With this purpose, the
> Jewish Volunteers Corps a project of  the American Jewish World
> Service will send Jeffrey Perelman who will teach special topics
> such as "The Music Market and Self-Advertisement" and
> "Self-Promotion: Planning a Concert Tour Without Manager".
> <Klezfest in Ukraine - 2003> will take place in Puscha-Voditsa,
> outside Kiev, on August 24-29, 2003. The final gala concert will
> take place at 7 p.m. on August 28 at the Kiev State Children's
> Musical Theater, 2 Mezhigorska Street ("Kontraktova Ploscha" metro
> station).
> Sponsor general of the festival:
> * Jewish Community Development Fund for Russia and Ukraine,
> project of the American Jewish World Service (New York, USA).
> Sponsors:
> * The Embassy of Canada in Ukraine,
> * The public affairs section at US Embassy in Ukraine,
> * The Vaad of Ukraine,
> * The Jewish Agency "SOHNUT-UKRAINE",
> * The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,
> * Max and Anna Levinson Foundation,
> * The International charitable foundation  "Good News" .
> Media support:
> Newspapers <Hadashot>, "Jewish Observer" and "Einikait".
> No doubt that this festival will become a real celebration of the
> Jewish folk music. If you want to get additional information on
> "Klezfest in Ukraine - 2003" and/or buy tickets for the Gala
> Concert, please go to our website at or
> call: (044) 248-3670, 248-3634, 248-5377.
> Welcome, <Klezfest in Ukraine - 2003>!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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