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Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:

> Khaveyrim,
> If any of you have biographical information on the following Yiddish
> authors, would you be kind enough to share it with me?  I am very close
> to deadline and cannot find basic information on them.
> I. Lukovsky -- no information
> I. (or J.) Kaminsky -- Ye(hoy)shue Kaminsky was born in Malin, Ukraine in 
> 1884 and died in NYC in 1958
> Shmuel Tsesler -- born in Zabludow (near Bialystok), Poland in 1904, 
> apparently still alive (in Argentina) in 1968
> I. Platner -- Ayzik [Isaac] Platner was born in Sokolow-Podlaski, Poland in 
> 1895 and died in Palanga, Lithuania in 1961.
> Moshe Korman -- born in Piotrkow, Poland in 1884, died in Paterson, N.J. in 
> 1928

        The Polish geographical names above are missing the diacritics, which 
I'll give after the relevant letters: Zabl/udo'w --
Bial/ystok -- Sokol/o'w -- Piotrko'w.

The information is from the _Leksikon fun der nayer yidisher literatur_.

Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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