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Thanks Bob.  I appreciate your help.  Can anyone help with the Lukovsky 
bio?  He's the one who wrote the words to the Khad Gadyo used in the 
Workmen's Circle peysakh hagode.

Robert A. Rothstein wrote:

>Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:
>>If any of you have biographical information on the following Yiddish
>>authors, would you be kind enough to share it with me?  I am very close
>>to deadline and cannot find basic information on them.
>>I. Lukovsky -- no information
>>I. (or J.) Kaminsky -- Ye(hoy)shue Kaminsky was born in Malin, Ukraine in 
>>1884 and died in NYC in 1958
>>Shmuel Tsesler -- born in Zabludow (near Bialystok), Poland in 1904, 
>>apparently still alive (in Argentina) in 1968
>>I. Platner -- Ayzik [Isaac] Platner was born in Sokolow-Podlaski, Poland in 
>>1895 and died in Palanga, Lithuania in 1961.
>>Moshe Korman -- born in Piotrkow, Poland in 1884, died in Paterson, N.J. in 
>        The Polish geographical names above are missing the diacritics, which 
> I'll give after the relevant letters: Zabl/udo'w --
>Bial/ystok -- Sokol/o'w -- Piotrko'w.
>The information is from the _Leksikon fun der nayer yidisher literatur_.
>Bob Rothstein

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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