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Israeli History and Politics: The Past Century

I'm preparing a music (and video) program on Israeli History and Politics: The 
Past Century [working title].  It will explore how music of the past century in 
the area of present day Israel reflects the region's history and politics.  I 
have made a good start, but would appreciate the list's help in selecting songs 
that have been important to the people there -- such as, Hatikvah (no, not a 
thorough analysis of its music and lyrics this time) and Yerushalayim shel 
Zahav.  I'm interested both in songs written in reaction to particular times 
and events, and songs that were adopted later as they took on a secondary 
meaning for those who sang them.

As of now, the scope is broad and diverse; for example, I am interested in both 
songs of war and peace (we have already discussed songs of peace in the region 
at some length).  I also hope to include current songs -- especially those sung 
by non-established Israeli performers (such as independent, self-produced 
CDs...) and those sung by settlers as well as songs popular with Palestinians 
today (I already have several of these).  But the program is limited to popular 
songs -- classical works (and there are some fascinating ones) will have to 
wait for another time.  It might touch on issues of diversity within Jewish 
society, but the objective is not to explore different styles of music in 
Israel (although that will be inevitable) -- another fascinating topic for 
another time.

This program is in the spirit of our list, World Music from a Jewish Slant, and 
I trust that responses will be in that same spirit.

Any suggestions of recordings, videos, music books, articles, books, websites, 
or contacts will be appreciated.  If you'd like to contact me off list, I'm at 
wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com .


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