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Hello Jewish Music Friends,

I'm helping out my dear friend Neshama Carlebach, who is trying to advance 
things a bit and do more and more special engagements, concerts, etc.  She's 
written some incredible original music that, in my humble opinion having worked 
in A & R for major record labels for over a decade, I think that Neshama's new 
music could do very well.   I would appreciate any help or recommendations any 
of you might give to point me/her in the right direction with regard to the 
live thing.  Many Thanks!


(further info and contact below)

Few people have touched the soul of the Jewish community the way Shlomo 
Carlebach z""l has.  His deep spirituality, his love of torah, and humanity was 
the essence that filled every song that he wrote, every teaching that he gave 
and every soul that he encountered.  Rarely has the Jewish world been touched 
so deeply.  Since Rabbi Carlebach began to compose his simple 
"Niggunim"--melodies--in 1958, his music has uplifted audiences throughout the 
world and he has spun his unique brand of mystical warmth.

Now Neshama Carlebach, Shlomo's oldest daughter and protege, is continuing in 
the tradition of her father bringing her own special kind of Jewish soul and 
spirit to his music
that she loves and performs so well.  Neshama Carlebach is following in the 
tradition of singing and storytelling established by her father.  Her talent 
and charisma endear her to people of all ages as she performs in cities 
throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe and Israel.  Neshama has the unmistakable 
Carlebach depth of soul and the ability to captivate.  

Neshama's song compositions with her pianist David Morgan have embarked her in 
yet another creative direction.  Her performances now include both her and 
David's original compositions in English, and Shlomo's Hebrew classics.

Neshama has played to tens of thousands of fans all across the world, and she 
is now accepting bokings for concerts, lectures, and Shabbatons.  Please see 
the link above to Neshama's website and please us know of your interest in 
working together on a show with Neshama.

Kindest regards,

Tom Sarig

Esther Creative Group
511 Avenue Of The Americas, #153
New York, NY  10011

phone: (646) 637-2996
email:   tsarig (at) nyc(dot)rr(dot)com

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