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hi, can't remember whether anyone mentioned the Rounder Jewish music
compilation, which was just sent to me. IN case it hasn't been
The Hidden Gate: Jewish Music Around the World
Rounder 116615 083-2, 2003. 2 CDs, compiled Dan Rosenberg. Includes
liner notes;  expanded liner notes on CD1.
An interesting and effective compilation though - as is just about
irremediable,-  one can quibble about choices and omissions. I would
question devoting an entire CD to the Ashkenazi tradition, leaving one
CD for ALL other Jewish traditions (don't miss the Rusape Jews of
ZImbabwe). Among the omissions which stand out for me are: Khevrisa, a
more traditional Bene Israel sound, Cochin, Italy, - and Judeo-Spanish
interpreted by someone who actually grew up with it. (Yasmin Levy sort
of counts, though her interpretation is highly personal and learning
through her father's collection is kind of mediated... Tamar has the
distinction of having been bitten by her mother Cohava Levy's dog years
ago when I was intervewing her in Jerusalem?)  The notes are informative
and the more complete liner notes contained electronically in CD1 are a
good idea.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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