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Shorashim ( a review)

Tiatron Ramat-Gan presents
the newest  Klezmer Band of Israel
"Tapuah ve dvash"  in a party of  Jewish  music and Yiddish Songs .
In the concert  take part the singer, the winner of The International Festival 
- Competition of a name Solomon Mihoels, Marina Yakubovich and  professor 
Mordehai Yushkovsky.

Wednesday, June 18th, 2003 at 6 pm

Experience traditional Jewish folk melodies, dances, songs, Yiddish stories and 

Klezmer Band
"Tapuah ve dvash" 
Anatol Geyko - folk-drums
Vladimir Fridman-clarnet
Pavel Levin -violin
Uri Chernishov- guitar
Alex Egorov- balalaika-contrbas

Please join us!
Ph. of Teatron Ramat-Gan  03-5782554


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