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Richard Lenatsky Father's Day Concert at Tonic Klezmer Brunch

 I  thought the members of the list might be interested in my choice of 
a surprise Father's Day  song for my concert.  It was written by Harry 
Ruby for Groucho Marx.  It was translated  into Yiddish by my 
accompanist Alex Botwinik and his wife, Naomi Cohen.  We're also doing 
 "Der  Alter Menashe" as an anti-father's day song.      Richard Lenatsky

Today, father, is Father's Day,
And we're giving you a tie.
It's not much, you know,
It is just our way of showing you,
We think you're a regular guy.

You say that it was nice of us to bother,
But it really was a pleasure to fuss,
For, according to our mother,
You're our father,
And that's good enough for us.

     Translated by Alexander Botwinik and Naomi Cohen
Haynt, Tate, iz Tates Tog,
Un mir gebn dir a kravat.
Un khotsh s'iz ken sakh nit,
Mir vayzn dir dermit,
Mir meynen bist a voyler yat.

Du zogst, s'iz sheyn vos mir hobn zikh bamit,
Nor s'iz take geven far undz a fargenign,
Vayl di mame zogt akurate,
Az du bist undzer tate,
Un dos iz far undz genug.

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