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Re: Musicians - how useful is Alexander Technique? Feldenkrais?

Hmm - ok since folks responded to the list intstead to me let me say your
input is welcome; I have heard many good things about Alexander for 
musicians myself; having had need of several orthopedic surgeries myself
I am always interested in finding ways of staying orthopedically healthy
(a drink now and then can be helpful, frankly, if low tech); and I may
well look into it despite my usual skepticism about "alternative" (what a 
loaded word!) treatments.

I will also mention that when I used to play comp for a Cape Breton (old
style Scots) fiddler, she would take herself off for Rolfing every time
the shoulder started locking up.  *That* struck me as a real cultish thing,
but in fact it did her much good.  I guess my main comment on Rolfing is that 
they put way too much stock in the number ten.

As do some others I know.....

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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