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Re: Greek music concert in Montclair NJ

Henry wrote:  

However, aside from the fact that Beth is Jewish (incidentally, one side of her 
family is Syrian, the other Ukrainian), and we did play the "Is it Greek or is 
it klezmer?" Hasaposerviko, I don't know why we are discussing this upcoming 
concert on this list....

Fair question. My respone:  

We had just discussed the connection between Greek and Klezmer on the list last 
week.  I had sent a posting about instrumentation (use of violin w/ dulcimer) 
being a sign of connection-- citing Paul Gifford's theory of Western-tuned 
sandouris entering Greek music near the turn of the 20th century via 
Bessarabian Jews who left Europe for Asia Minor (specifically, Smyrna/Izmir).

Think it's important to see klezmer as part of a tapestry of musical cultures 
across Europe and Asia (and now the Americas).  Not many black and white 
borders between these musics-- rather, many shades of gray.  Obviously for our 
own sanity, we have to draw some distinctions and create different listserves 
accordingly.  However, I decided to post this one in the context of our 
previous discussion. 

As a builder, Roussos has been an important source of instruments to some 
current klezmer revival tsimblists. In terms of his playing,  I've stolen a lot 
of his ideas in trying to create a solo tsimbl style-- for which there's a 
paucity of sources to learn from.  

And because it's great music.

Zay gesind, Pete


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