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Re: Greek music concert in Montclair NJ

Hi -

Couldn't resist an unanswered question - I believe that dahares is the
Greek word/version of the daire/doira/etc. (frame drum.)

I played a gig with Beth and Demetri last night here in Cambridge, MA -
they are great! (And Yianni is great, too!)

Beth has a solo CD, "Weaving the Worlds" - the music is new music, though.
If you want traditional music, go with the Ziyia' CDs.

However, aside from the fact that Beth is Jewish (incidentally, one side
of her family is Syrian, the other Ukrainian), and we did play the "Is it
Greek or is it klezmer?" Hasaposerviko, I don't know why we are
discussing this upcoming concert on this list....


On Mon, 19 May 2003, Pete Rushefsky wrote:

> Hi Cor.  Guess it would be a long trip for you.  I know Roussos (goes
by John as well as Yianni)  is on a CD of some kind, but don't know what it's 
called.  Cohen plays with another sandouri player in the band ziyia:
> No idea what dahares is.
> Best regards, Pete
> Cor van Sliedregt <sliedreg (at) knoware(dot)nl> wrote:
> op 16-05-2003 19:32 schreef Pete Rushefsky op klezbanjo (at) yahoo(dot)com:
> This was posted on another listserve.. a tsimbl/fidl event that shouldn't be 
> missed (the santouri is the Greek hammered dulcimer) by those near 
> Montclair...
> Roussos is a great player and builder (built Zev Feldman's tsimbl).  Cohen is 
> amazing as well.
> in collaboration with the Montclair Office of Arts and Cultural Development 
> Presents
> Third in the 2003 World Music Series:
> An Evening of Greek Music with John Roussos and Friends:
> John Roussos - santouri
> Beth Bahia Cohen - violin, lyra
> Demetri Tashie - laouto, dahares
> Thursday May 22, 2003 7:00 - 8:45 pm
> free to the public!  no reservations required
> Dear Pete,
> thanks for the information, but since I live in The Netherlands
> it's a pity I can't go to the concert.
> BUT did they make any CD('s) ???
> I know that the laouto is the Greek version of a lute.
> But what are dahares ?
> greetings
> Cornelis van Sliedregt
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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