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Re: belz

I suspect both pronunciations are correct, but I for one could never sing it 
as Bells?
It may be a correct pronunciation for some dialects but this Poylisher Jew 
would feel out of sorts singing it that way. The strength of the plosive "ts" 
gives the word weight in my opinion. 
I have met Jews who say they are from Belz and as far as I remember each one 
of them pronounce it with the stronger ending as well.

Although it really is a non starter.

I find the whole discussion of pronunciation a curious one for us Jews. What 
other language do you know of that is so adamant that there is only one 
"proper" way. I believe the watering down of dialect is a disservice to our 
heritage. We lose so much each time we correct a less acceptable Yiddish 

I can't imagine one English speaker telling another geographically different 
English speaker that they are wrong.

Theresa Tova
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