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RE: Jewish themes in Classical Music

>As for Beethoven and Mozart: I know that the Adagio of opus 133 sounds
>Jewish, but I have never seen any evidence that that is not mere
>coincidence.  As for the Mozart Symphonia Concertante, I never heard
>the claim that it was even Jewish-sounding, though, now that you
>mention it, I suppose the slow movement could be construed that way.
>In any case, Mozart certainly didn't intend it.

Just to clarify, perhaps, unnecessarily, for Geraldine et al.:  The Kol
Nidre-sounding theme in Beethoven--the String Quartet in C# Minor--is Op.
131, not 133.  For me, as it happens, the most glorious piece of chamber
music--or, maybe, *any* (at least Classical) music ever written--and that
notwithstanding that Wagner was awestruck by it.

The Mozart reference is a new one to me; I'll have to listen and see--or
hear--for myself.

--Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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