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Re: playing reversed tsimbl

Pete Rushefsky once demonstrated something to me while
I was seated at my tsimbl, by standing in front of it, thereby
playing it "backwards", or upside down.  

When I marveled at this ability, he told me it was pretty standard
in formal training to be able to play from either side, and it was common
for teachers to do this when correcting students.

That's they way I remember hearing it anyway.  Also I'm told in some places
people go in for gimmicky playing - like Jankowski putting birch bark in 
his teeth and using it as a reed instrument while playing, like playing while
lying underneath the tsimbl, and other displays of hokem.  

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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