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playing reversed tsimbl

Hello klezmerlovers,

Here's a message/question for all tsimbl-players.
Sometime ago r.l.reid send a e-mail
to inform about a painting of Maurycy Tre,bacz "Koncert Jankiela"
Muzeum Z'IH; visible via <>.

Jankiela plays the tsimbl in a reversed way.
I only once met a boy who learned himself to play russian tsimbaly,
in this way, his repertoire was part of a rock 'n roll band/pop music.

Looking at the painting there's a small boy wondering what's happening.
Jankiela himself gaze "ins Blaue hinein", and the soldier behind the
musician/ klezmer whispers modest to the lady (?).
Looking at the painting you're wondering what's the matter.

BUT are there any serious tsimbl-players playing in the reverse way.
Or is this a mistake of the painter?

Who knows?

Cornelis van Sliedregt

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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