Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Greenman and Ruchefsky - I mean, Fedoriouk

> It was small but intense.  Those few of us who were there couldn't 
> believe how many folks were missing it.

Roger..thanx for the great description of this past Sunday's Tonic KB 
show...Unfortunately, your experience is not all that out of the 
ordinary. I have been to KBs where the members in the band outnumber 
the audience..I have also had this experience at the Knitting factory 
old office at times..where some great players are playing their hearts 
out to a few issue is not just related to Jewish 
Music...I dont know the answer..or if there is one...I live an hour 
west of Philly and try to get to NYC at least once per month for a the same token...the KBs can be somewhat variable in 
quality....but....if all of us make it our busines to go to at least 3 
or 4 shows a year in our locale..then we could probably make a 
difference....for those in the tonic's area...then next two sunday's 
feature DK with some interesting projects....since he curates the 
brunch a nice showing would be great....Elliott

Sun, May 04  
1:30pm & 3pm   Klezmer Brunch: David Krakauer and Friends 
Sun, May 11  
1:30pm & 3pm   Klezmer Brunch: David Krakauer & So Called 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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