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Re: Cohan: not a Jew.

   To be fair to George M., I thought I'd read many years ago an anecdote
   about his trying to check into a fancy hotel once. Once the manager
   saw his name, he was told that "your people" were not welcome there.
   Cohan supposedly replied with words to the effect of: "We were
   obviously both very mistaken. I am not the Jew you think I am, and you
   are not the decent hotel I thought you were."

Well, I'd *like* to think that was true (though I don't know, either way).
It reminds me of a more-or-less similar story once told--though not as a
result of a mistaken-Jewish identity--of the great St. Louis Cardinals
pitcher Bob Gibson.

I especially would like the story about George M. Cohan to be true cause I
knew his niece, who sat next to be in elementary school.  (Isn't that
cute?)  In fact, I think I took her to a school dance or something.  (Isn't
that just *too* cute?)

And--ahem...--I *did* know, as a result, that he wasn't Jewish.

Moadim l'simcha to all,

Robert Cohen
(a real Cohen--and kohain--so evidently not related to George; and not--it
turned out--to his niece, either)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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