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Re: Cohan: not a Jew.

>George M. was Irish and purportedly an anti-Semite of the first order.
>Not a real live nephew of my Uncle Shlaime...

I forwarded this to Henry Sapoznik, who knowledge of the era is 
extensive. His reply:

1) he assiduously pronounced his name Cohen (not Cohan as everyone mistakes)
and made a point of defending that choice.
2) His wife took the stage name of her father, Levy.
3) His longtime partner Sam Harris was a Jew; they got along famously.
4) During his lifetime Cohan was honored by a multitude of Jewish
organization including the B'nai B'rith, the Friars (yes, they were mostly
Jews)  and the Jewish Theatrical Alliance.
5) In all his career he never wrote one racist "Hebe" song while his Jewish
colleague Irving Berlin wrote over a dozen....
6) By the way, is there any proof of Cohen's  anti-Semitism...? I looked but
never found any.


I repeat my request for the original poster to provide some evidence 
to support a very serious accusation.
Dan Peck    Milesquare Associates  Living Traditions  Old Time Music
Co-Author of Filemaker 6 Advanced: Visual Quick Pro Guide & The 
Little Digital Camera Book (Peachpit Press)
Member: Filemaker Solutions Alliance
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither." - Ben Franklin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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