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Re: Lomax and Yale

   >and this weekend we'll be in NYC (coffee, anyone? I'll get there
   >Thursday a.m.) for the Alan Lomax hommage conference, no Jewish music
   >there, but worth mentioning as the main concert includes Pete Seeger,
   >Arlo Guthrie, Jean RItchie... and I get to be part of the song swap
   >with Guy Carawan et al....

   The big Jewish music event this coming weekend in the New York area is
   actually slightly to the north--Yale is hosting what looks to be a
   fascinating Jewish music conference, starting off with a free concert
   by Brave Old World on Saturday night:

FWIW, I hope, G*d willing, to go to *both* conferences--Lomax and Jewish
music.  (In between, I'll be picking up my annual kosher-for-Passover
cheesecakes in Borough Park--kind of my annual visit there.)

Can't imagine why anyone would schedule a Jewish music conference a few
days before Passover, though.

-- Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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