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Comments on comments on Passover CDs

In a message dated 4/7/3 3:15:09 AM, judithc (at) YorkU(dot)CA writes:
   I don't actually find the Bene Israel Bombay recording very good.
FOr years I've recorded Toronto and Hamilton area men from this
community ...."

**I'm sure the Bene Israel community will feel very bad that you did not care 
for their recording...fortunately, this has been a VERY good title for us and 
purchasers have come back and bought this CD as gifts for their, 
thank G-d, they don't know just how "not very good" this recording really 
is...oops, there goes another order for this CD.

<<As for Raices, I've always found their approach far too Spanish for
Sephardic music, and "sprightyly" in my personal dictionary tends to be
a negative rather than positive attribute...>>

**This particular CD by Raices is by far one of the most popular Ladino 
recordings we picked up in the last 5 months--and we have over 200 Ladino 
CDs. True, they have recorded more "Spanish" sounding recordings in the past, 
but THIS is NOT one of those recordings.  Again, this is a very good 
recording and a real pleaser.

<<Look out for the upcoming Cochini Jewish Women's Songs CD originally due
out in February but somewhat delayed....

**Well, Judith, lets just hope that the members of the Benai Israel community 
and Raices don't subscribe to this list...I hear they're not too partial to 
Cochini Jewish Women's Songs...but, that's only THEIR opinion.

Hatikvah Music
If you can't see the trees for the forest, step back, inhale and exhale 
slowly, then, get a beer!.....Hern Snead

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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