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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2571

Judith and all --

I'm not aware that I was being defensive. In fact, I was deferring to your
considerable expertise in an area where I am, at best, a
better-informed-than-the-average-Ashkenazi-Jew amateur. (And I mean amateur
in the best sense, someone who is a lover of Sephardic music, but far from
an expert.)

Generally,  what I wrote consisted of agreeing with you, with one semi-minor
caveat, which was to question your dismay at the use of the word
"sprightly." I still don't see how that word has negative connotations.

Most of my kneejerk reactions are triggered by politics, film or sports (and
certain Jewish music artists who I will be glad to name some other time). If
you want to get me defensive, ask me about my waistline or my hairline.

Respectfully (and I hope, affectionately),
George (Getting round and bald like a billiard ball) Robinson

"I don't believe that one should talk about hope
unless one is working towards something. We only
have the right to hope if we are struggling."

    --Aung San Suu Kyi
      Nobel Peace Prize winner

----- Original Message -----
From: "Judith R Cohen"


 though, both George and SImon, why so knee-jerk defensive? Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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