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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2571

So, did you mean that the singers themselves are not very good in your 
opinion, or that the quality of the recording is not very good?

Judith R Cohen wrote:

>>**I'm sure the Bene Israel community will feel very bad that you did not care 
>>for their recording...
>> purchasers have come back and bought this CD as gifts for their 
>>>thank G-d, they don't know just how "not very good" this recording really 
>I'm not sure why anything which is not unqualified approval on my part
>meets with such furious defensive reaction on this list. Let's see, I
>started by saying I was delighted to see Samy El Maghribi's cd reviewed.
>Then I said I thought the Bene Israel singers on this CD are not as good
>as others I've heard. They may or may not be devastated to hear this
>(doubt they'd be devastated) but in any case, that wasn't the point. Nor
>is whether lots of people buy the cd, that's great that they're buying
>it. It doesn't mean there are no better singers of Bene Israel
>repertoire or that I shouldn't mention this.
>><<As for Raices, I've always found their approach far too Spanish for
>>Sephardic music, and "sprightyly" in my personal dictionary tends to be
>>a negative rather than positive attribute...>>
>Again, I'm not writing an account of how cd's SELL. I don't really care.
>Raices is a group of nice people (I've met them a few times) who are
>good musicians. I think their approach to Sephardic music is off the
>mark, and part of the trend in Spain to be careful about recording music
>of SPanish regions with some attention to tradition, but feeling free to
>ignore Sephardic song style. But, yes, they're good musicians and it's
>nice that their stuff is popular - again, what does that have to do with
>my comments? I've nothing against their cd's selling successfully. 
>>**This particular CD by Raices is by far one of the most popular Ladino 
>>recordings we picked up in the last 5 months--and we have over 200 Ladino 
>><<Look out for the upcoming Cochini Jewish Women's Songs CD originally due
>>out in February but somewhat delayed....
>>let's hope... Benai Israel community 
>>and Raices don't subscribe to this list...I hear they're not too partial to 
>>Cochini Jewish Women's Songs...but, that's only THEIR opinion.
>Simon, with all my affection for you, I hope that's  meant to be a joke
>and not a real comment. 
>Actually, since I'm always honest, groups in Spain know exactly what
>myopinions are, and I've had many long, pleasant, discussions and
>friendly disagreements with many of them over many coffees in many
>cafe's over many years. So if they read my comments here or anywhere
>else, that's fine, I'm not hiding anything. And editors in Israel read
>my reviews, I don't hide anything there either. The Bene (not Benai)
>Israel I know here are in fact anxious to hear the COchini recording
>when it's out, so , again, I hope that remark was meant to be funny.
>It's news to me that evaluations and opinions must be based on sales
>reported form commercial (not in a pejorative sense) outlets; but I'm
>unlikely to make that a basis for evaluation in the future. Again,
>though, both George and SImon, why so knee-jerk defensive? Judith
>>Hatikvah Music
>>If you can't see the trees for the forest, step back, inhale and exhale 
>>slowly, then, get a beer!.....Hern Snead

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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