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Re: ?Zemirot: Turkish-Sephardic Synagogue Hym ns? -Los Pasaros Sefaradis:

Hi, a minor correction on their recorded output...

Kansionero, Vol. 1
Kansionero, Vol. 2
Kansionero, Vol. 3
La Romansa De Rika Kuriel

near as I know are cassette only.

Kantikas Para Syempre is on cassette and CD.



As far as I know, they have five previous recordings, not CDs. At 08:37 PM 
4/7/2003 -0400, Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>I have received a number of calls on this CD reviewed by George Robinson in
>the Jewish Week. George states that this CD is "nicely packaged too". People
>are phoning to ask "What kind of package does it come in," therefore:
>I would like to add to the wonderful review of the Zemirot CD that this CD
>comes with a deluxe CD size hardcover 72 page book with vintage photos of
>Turkish-Sephardic orchestras and containing lyrics to all the songs in
>Hebrew, phonetic Hebrew, Turkish, English and where apropos, in Ladino.
>Included are musical notes and detailed descriptions of the song.
>This is a very beautiful and unique recording. We've had this CD for about 3
>weeks, and it is now our #2 Best seller!
>Below is George Robinson's review of the CD. You can view this CD on our site
>Los Pasaros Sefaradis: "Zemirot: Turkish-Sephardic Synagogue Hymns"
>A Jewish-Turkish band that specializes in Ladino song, Los Pasaros Sefardis
>have already recorded five CDs of secular tunes from that tradition. This
>marks their first foray into liturgical music and the result is a bit like
>Turkish pastry, sweet, almost cloying, but with a certain edge that keeps it
>from becoming unbearable. The opening "Ein Keloheinu" sounds like bad
>bouzouki but things pick up considerably, particularly whenever the lead
>vocals are taken by the group's baritone. Nicely packaged, too. AAAA
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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