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?Zemirot: Turkish-Sephardic Synagogue Hymns? -Los Pasaros Sefaradis:

I have received a number of calls on this CD reviewed by George Robinson in 
the Jewish Week. George states that this CD is "nicely packaged too". People 
are phoning to ask "What kind of package does it come in," therefore:

I would like to add to the wonderful review of the Zemirot CD that this CD 
comes with a deluxe CD size hardcover 72 page book with vintage photos of 
Turkish-Sephardic orchestras and containing lyrics to all the songs in 
Hebrew, phonetic Hebrew, Turkish, English and where apropos, in Ladino. 
Included are musical notes and detailed descriptions of the song.
This is a very beautiful and unique recording. We've had this CD for about 3 
weeks, and it is now our #2 Best seller!
Below is George Robinson's review of the CD. You can view this CD on our site 

Los Pasaros Sefaradis: ?Zemirot: Turkish-Sephardic Synagogue Hymns? 

A Jewish-Turkish band that specializes in Ladino song, Los Pasaros Sefardis 
have already recorded five CDs of secular tunes from that tradition. This 
marks their first foray into liturgical music and the result is a bit like 
Turkish pastry, sweet, almost cloying, but with a certain edge that keeps it 
from becoming unbearable. The opening ?Ein Keloheinu? sounds like bad 
bouzouki but things pick up considerably, particularly whenever the lead 
vocals are taken by the group?s baritone. Nicely packaged, too. AAAA 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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