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Prokofiev's "Overture on Hebrew Themes"

The New York Philharmonic concert yesterday (April 4), conducted by
Rostropovich, had an all-Prokofiev program.  The central piece was
Prokofiev's "Sinfonia concertante", a complex and difficult cello concerto.
It was played excellently by a young cellist, Xavier Phillips.

The program notes of this piece included the following sentence: "The theme
becomes increasingly more grotesque, assuming something like the quality of
Jewish village klezmer music, the sort that Prokofiev imitated so
brilliantly in his early 'Overture on Hebrew Themes'."  I've never heard
that work.  Can somebody here tell me about it?  Is there a recording that
is recommended?

Marvin Margoshes

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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