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Re: A Stranger Among Us

I guess I should take this one.  It would be a great idea to interview Jerry 
Bock about his interest and expertise in Jewish music.  As for "A Stranger," 
I'm pretty sure there was an album but it might be hard to find.  His klezmer 
concertante group included Evan Harlan, Mimi Rabson, and Dave Harris (and 
possibly Glen Dickson), so you can probably start with an inquiry to the 
Shirim website.  I'm pretty sure they also had something to do with the 
klezmer arrangements.

-Hankus Netsky

In a message dated 4/6/03 12:33:55 PM, Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< I watched the movie "A Stranger Among Us (1992)" the other day. The score 
by Jerry Bock. Even if we don't like everything he writes, we do have to 
admit that the man can write a good Bulgar. This leads to two questions; does 
any one know if their was a soundtrack recording released from the movie? And 
two, does anyone know if Jerry Bock has ever been interviewed about his 
writing (and I think he may do his own orchestrations) of Jewish Music?

Matt Temkin >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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