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Greek Judeo-Spanish musical theatre

hi from Madrid ; I've been singing excerpts from those operettas (as they call 
them) for manymany years; recorded (which the authors of the articles and books 
referred to in messages here, never acknowledged) many excerpts form them in 
the early 80s, from Salonican Jewish people in Montreal. In fact, their not 
acknowledging this was annoying as I'd even long deposited copies of all my 
tapes in the FOnoteka in Jerusalem.

Anyway, this is a tradition going back to the late 19th century in Salonica. 
Yitzkhak Kerem knows a lot about Greek Jewish culture but very little Judeo-
Spanish and is not really an expert in this. But there isn't a whole lot in 
English on it. There are three heavy tomes by Elena ROmero on Greek Jewish 
theatre, which came out many years ago and are, all told, the most reliable 
source; and Shoshana and Tamar's book, as mentioned; otherwise there isn't all 
that much specifically on it. I have more references at home, ad all the texts, 
as well as my recordings of some of the songs (unfortunately, mostly sung by a 
woman whose voice was very crackly and out of tune after decades of chain 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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