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Re: "Yosl" (was: multfilm / tango)

Speaking of Yosl, are there any more lyrics than that one verse, or 
chorus, or whatever it is?  It's so short.  What am I missing?  Is there 
a recitative, or something fun?  Or did Nellie Casman just run out of 
steam after the big effort?  What show was it from?  

Robert A. Rothstein wrote:

>SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>>there's also a glasnost'-era film about the NKVD in the 1930s which has the
>>melody of Yosl, Yosl in the background; it made me wonder if that tune had
>>been borrowed from a Russian folk song.  any ideas?
>        Although there are at least two Russian texts set to the melody (the
>chorus) of "Yosl," one about a tractor driver in Birobidzhan named Yosele, I
>suspect that the melody went from here to the Soviet Union (thanks to the
>popularity of the Yiddish or English versions) rather than vice versa.  (There
>were apparently Finnish-language recordings of "Yosl" in the late thirties, so
>the melody did get around.)
>            Bob Rothstein

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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