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Re: Anti-Semitism

Please folks, lets be very careful about political comment on this list.  I
understand how Judith's experiences have triggered this response, but I can see
that its very possible that the next reply to Fred's, may end up departing from
the Jewish-music theme of this list.

Personally, I note that when discourse goes off-course, some get quite coarse as
they take re-course, and things can get nasty, and Ari has to intervene, of

Fred Blumenthal wrote:
> Curious that the Spanish are giving Judith Cohen flak about the U.S. war
> against Iraq, when their own government is lined up with Bush.  I don't agree
> with Bush's plans either, but I don't blame Judith Cohen!  And similarly
> regrettable that Jewish musicians in Canada are experiencing anti-Semitism.
>  The attitude of the population in each country revolves so much around the
> press, and in the U.S. Israel, and hence the Jews, are seen as THE other party
> confronted by terrorism.  Anyway, it would make more sense to let the
> musicians perform without ASSUMING what their politics are.
> Fred Blumenthal
> xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com


Lionel Mrocki


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