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seeking Polish Jewish klezmer tunes for wedding

I'm forwarding the following from a non-list member in Israel seeking
specifically Polish Klezmer tunes for his upcoming wedding.  Please copy
any suggestions directly to Mr Fremont at the address below.  With thanks,
Bret Werb
Washington DC
We are looking for Klezmer music for our wedding 14 April 2003. The period
would be around 1926-1946. My father is from Warsaw, Poland. He was born in
1926. His name was Naftali Froimowicz and is now Neff Fremont. He was in
the Warsaw ghetto and lost his mother, sister and brother there.  [snip]
We would appreciate any suggestions you may have to give our Klezmer Band
for the wedding. There will be a clarinet, violin and accordion. The leader
is from Romania. I hope he can play some Polish Klezmer Music which you may
suggest. I found some on a site ydsong (at) pobpox(dot)upenn(dot)edu(dot)  
Gary Fremont and Rina Shamir
gfremont (at) 012(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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