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Re: fagin as the ward of the (?) orphans

It's not so strange that an Australian was given the role of Fagin.  The
character that Dickens modelled Fagin on was a crook called Isaac (Ikey)
Solomon.  Solomon was transported with the first fleet of convicts and free
settlers to Australia in 1788, 8 years after James Cook mapped portions of the
eastern seabord and claimed this country as vacant land (Terra nullius) and a
British colony.

Read more about Ikey in this book:

Barry Humphries initially created Dame Edna as a bit of social comment poking
fun at the new generation of emerging "upwardly-mobile" middle class suburban
housewives with their new laminex kitchens and venetian blinds and with all the
accompanying pretentiousness, bigotry and xenophobia that went with the role. 
With Edna's maturity, the glam has multiplied well beyond the reaches of the
average housewife and is part of her "larger than life" character.  It does come
across as very drag-queenish these days, but Edna is certainly a female
impersonation and is just one of a number of personae played by Humphries.

Incidentally, David Krycer (Bass and Guitar with Klezmania and whom I played
with today) toured with Barry Humphries.  You're right. A kleine velt.  I just
can't picture Humphries as Fagin, and that's the last I want to say about Fagin,
Oliver, Lionel Bart... End of story.

Oliver Sholem!
(just another groaner!!)

> I haven't seen this version, but I think the revival of the show stars that
> famous Australian drag queen actor as Fagin (the one whose Dame Edna
> character has run for decades), Barry --? can't remember his name.  He's
> supposedly quite good.  A kleyne velt.
> - Eve

Lionel Mrocki


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