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Berry concert CANCELLED. please forward to all interested.

I am forwarding a message from Avi Heilman, organizer of the Berry 
Sakharof concert. I send my own regrets and his and thank all of you for 
the help many of you have given me and the interest you have shown in 
the event. Unfortunately we were unable to foresee the circumstances 
leading to the cancellation. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience 
this has caused you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Avram Dan Heilman" <heilman (at) fas(dot)harvard(dot)edu>
To: "Avram Dan Heilman" <heilman (at) fas(dot)harvard(dot)edu>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 4:52 PM
Subject: Berry concert CANCELLED. please forward to all interested.

> Dear friends.
> I regret to inform you that Berry Saharof's concert, originally planned
> for this Sunday, March 16, has been cancelled due to logistical problems
> in bringing the band at this time. We are all keenly disappointed.
> We are hoping to reschedule the concert for mid to late April. Stay tuned
> for further details.
> All tickets already purchased can be refunded from the point of purchase.
> Tickets purchased from ticketmaster or the middle east box office must be
> returned in the same way. People who bought tickets from Hillel will be
> contacted with additional information on refunds.
> Finally, tickets purchased for this concert will be honored at the
> rescheduled one if it indeed takes place. We should know in a couple of
> weeks; if you should decide to hold on to your tickets, you can always
> have an option of returning them later.
> Avi Heilman
> Concert Promoter.
> ps. anyone who purchased tickets from me personally can return their
> tickets to me, too.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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