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Re: From Yiddish Folk Poetry

In einer eMail vom 27.02.03 19:58:25 (MEZ) Mitteleuropäische Zeit schreibt 
creativa (at) charm(dot)net:

> Reb Elye can be heard on Meyshke Alpert's Royte Pomerantsn" with
Brave Old World

>>I'm not speaking of "Der feter Elye" which is on the Brave Old World CD. 
The song I'm looking for starts: Shive Reb elye zitst in khalat. Tsirl zayn 
tokhter, zi hot zikh geshmat.

Shlof Mayn Kind (Shlof Kseyder) is by Sholem Aleykhem, but here are
many other lullabies that start that way. I am sure the SA one is in one of
the Mlotek books.
>>Sorry, it's not. Apart from many lyulyu passages it tells that the father 
was sent to Siberia (I know, also very a very common topic common in
lullabies ...)

A. Pancur

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