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Re: musical propaganda

That's ironic. I don't have it with me here, but I seem to recall reading in 
Henry Saposnik's liner notes for his great Dave Tarras compilation CD (or was 
it in The Compleat Klezmer?) that Tarras' favorite key was Bb minor because of 
how good he sounded in it.
Saposnik also quotes jazz players in the 20s and 30s describing a part of a 
some tunes as the "Jewish section" because of a mode or scale change from the 
rest of the tune. They would even have a specialist in the band solo in those 
sections. The classic example is "And the Angels Sing," with that long bridge 

Yahoo or AOL IM: LoFan6
Mobile 415 823 3941

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----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
From: Alex Lubet <lubet001 (at) umn(dot)edu>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Received: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 12:17:43 -0600
Subject: Re: musical propaganda

>According to one of the papers given at our Wagner conference, Wagner's
>Ring assigns virtually every key to some meaning or other.  If my memory
>serves me correctly, the key associated with Mime, perhaps his best-known
>anti-Semitic stereotype (so noted by no less a figure than Gustav Mahler),
>is Bb minor.

>At 10:07 AM 2/27/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>>i was just going to post something in this vein.
>>if anyone has seent he eptein brothers documentary
>>theyll know what im about to talk about. theres a
>>scene where the three brothers are in the studio and
>>one of them says that always played this tune from f#
>>to g, to which the elder brother retorts. "i dont play
>>those goyishe notes". it was, to me one of the
>>funniest things ever on film. now of course it was
>>said somewhat tongue in cheek, but it does bring to
>>mind the fact that we do see some keys and modes as
>>being distinctly jewish. why is that? are there keys
>>that are distinctly antisemitic??
>>was wagner the antisemitic modal king of his time??
>>--- Sam Weiss <SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net> wrote:
>> > At 11:46 AM 2/27/03, Kfarcenter (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>> > >It'd nice to get back to Jewish music.
>> >
>> > I'll do my part to nudge it back.  This is obliquely
>> > related to the topic
>> > of subtle ideas contained in music, from the other
>> > ("pro-Jewish") side of
>> > the coin, as well as to the discussion of Szól A
>> > Kakas Már.
>> >
>> > "Cucumber" is a Long-Distance phone service provider
>> > run by a Jewish
>> > charitable organization in Lakewood, NJ that had
>> > been advertising heavily
>> > in Jewish venues and recently started to expand its
>> > advertising into
>> > broader markets. Yesterday I heard a radio spot for
>> > the company on WCBS
>> > (the NY area station of CBS News) that didn't
>> > mention anything at all about
>> > their Jewish affiliation, at least not overtly.  But
>> > their inane jingle
>> > (that goes well with the inane brand name) uses the
>> > melody of a short
>> > Lubavitcher Kosachok-type dance tune (the exact
>> > title escapes me) to
>> > deliver the subliminal "Jewish" message. It's a very
>> > clever choice, since
>> > to the uninitiated general public the simple tune in
>> > major has no Jewish
>> > overtones at all, being one of the many Ukranian
>> > tunes that the
>> > Lubavitchers adopted whole.  It actually took me a
>> > couple of hours to make
>> > the connection myself.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of
>> > Paramus, NJ
>> >
>> > ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>> > ---------------------+
>> > 

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