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Re: Nazis and music

    It seems to me that the art and the artist are two different entities.
Classical players often say "the music is greater than the performer"
(sometimes to justify slavish and ignorant adherence to the letter of the
score) but the great artist and violinist David Nadien came up with this
interesting idea:
    "The music is not only greater than the performer, it's also greater
than the composer"  to illustrate the point that it's up to the interpreter
understand the music well enough to separate the composer's conception from
his human errors.
    One shouldn't forget who is or is not anti-semetic, and it's perfectly
legitimate to decide whether or not to listen based on that knowledge, but
history makes the ultimate decisions about the quality of the work.
Best regards to all,
                   Richard Locker

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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