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Re: Carl Orff

B"H Munich

And being a party
> member does not make someone a murderer. Well,
> sorry, but while that may be
> true in the literal sense, any party member has to
> bear responsibility for
> the actions of the party. 

As I said, morally yes, legally no.
If I´m a registered Democrat, does voting
for Bill Clinton make me culpable for what he
did in the Oval Office?

If I voted as a member of the Republican party,
am I responsible for the last Gulf War? Or the
next? Morally, perhaps. But no one - NO ONE -
can know exactly what the rascals will do
when they finally get into office. And Hitler
wasn´t interested in being voted out.

And if you vote for Wagner, then you take
the moral responsibility into your own hands.
But boy, wouldn´t it be great if listening
to Wagner could be prosecuted...

(point of info - Liszt, who was Wagner´s
father-in-law, had his music also used by
the Nazis - see Les Preludes, #3. Great music.
Awful politics)

Alex Jacobowitz

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