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Fw: Pesakh music

Can someone help Dr. Shapiro?
Marvin Margoshes

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. S. Shapiro" <toukie (at) zui(dot)unizh(dot)ch>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 5:40 AM
Subject: Pesakh music

> Dear Colleagues,
> My son is a first-year piano student, and I expect that in a short
> while his teacher will begin teaching him an Easter song.  Rather than
> that, I'd much prefer that his teacher have him learn a Passover song,
> such as Dei'eynu; however, I have no access to a musical score for this
> song.  So if anyone has a not-too-complicated 1- or 2-page musical score
> for two hands with relatively simple chords for Dei'eynu, could you please
> mail a copy to me at the address given below?
> Thanks in advance to all responders,
> S. Shapiro
> Baechlerstrasse 45
> CH-8802 Kilchberg (ZH)
> Switzerland
> toukie (at) zui(dot)unizh(dot)ch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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