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New Cd w/Booklet : Florence-Livorno Jewish Musical Tradition"

     NEW ***Liturgy of Florence and Leghorn (Livorno) Italy with Book**NEW
                "La Tradizione Musicale Degli Ebrei Di Firenze E Di Lovorno"

Sephardic songs of the Synagogues of The Jewish communities of Florence & 
Lovorno Italy.

"Rugiade Di Canti (Singing Dew):The Florence-Leghorn Jewish Musical 

 Compact Disc with Booklet (160+ pages).

This CD features 21 selections from the Florence-Leghorn (Livorno) Jewish 
musical tradition recorded between 1980-2001 in Tel-Aviv and Florence and 
represents the rich musical repertoire which was sung on the Sabbath, the New 
Year, the three festivals of pilgrimage (Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles), 
Simhat Torah (Rejoicing of the Law) and the Ninth of Ab, as well as songs to 
celebrate weddings and the birth of a son. Accompanied by organ, the singers 
are comprised of the Florence Synagogue Choir, late Chief Rabbi Fernando 
Belgrado, as well as various community members and their descendants.
The booklet, written in English, Italian and Hebrew, contains a detailed 
account of these Jewish communities, and includes complete lyrics to the 
selections in the three languages. 

The CD and book are packaged in a deluxe set.

To view this title with a complete list of selections, visit our site at:

Now available from Hatikvah Music at $22.98 INCLUDING shipping.
We accept Visa & Mastercard
Thank You,
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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