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Re: home on the range in yiddish

Sylvia Schildt wrote:

> This is a version I got from I forget where. Made a few changes in the
> chorus so it would more sing-able.
> Sylvia Schildt
> HOME ON THE RANGE    in Yiddish
> Oy gib mir a heym vu di bufloksn geyn...

It's from Marie B. Jaffe's book _Gut Yuntif, Gut Yohr_, revised and enlarged
edition published by The Citadel Press in New York in 1969, which contains
not only songs, but also such well-known poems as the one that begins:
        'Sis geven erev krismes, und shtil is in heizel,
        Kein nefeshel rirt zich, afileh kein meizel...
        S'iz geven erev krismes, un shtil iz in hayzl,
        Kayn nefeshl rirt zikh, afile kayn mayzl...

and which ends (in standard orthography, but with a slight dialect mixture):
        Dokh her ikh a shtime vos zingt afn vint,
        "Gut yontef, mishpokhe, un zayts mir gezint!"

Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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