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Re:home on the range in yiddish

This is a version I got from I forget where. Made a few changes in the
chorus so it would more sing-able.

Sylvia Schildt

HOME ON THE RANGE    in Yiddish

Oy gib mir a heym vu di bufloksn geyn
Vu di hirshelekh shpiln oyfn land.
Keynmol hert men dort a fartumeltn vort
Un der himl iz bloy nokhanand..

Heym, heym oyfn land
Vu di hirshelekh shpiln banand.
Keynmol hert men dort a fartumeltn vort
Un der himl iz bloy nokhanand..

Vu di luft iz dort reyn
Un di vintelekh fayn
Un s¹iz pushet mekhaye fin got.
Ikh bayt keynmol oys mayn land un mayn hoyz
Far ale metziyes in shtot.

Heym, heym oyfn land
Vu di hirshelekh shpiln banand.
Keynmol hert men dort a fartumeltn vort
Un der himl iz bloy nokhanand..

Vi oftmol baynakht iz der himl mit prakht
Un di shtern zey glantzn vi gold
Ikh shtey dort nit antoysht vayl in kop maynem roysht
Az di velt iz mit vunder batzolt.

Heym, heym oyfn land
Vu di hirshelekh shpiln banand.
Keynmol hert men dort a fartumeltn vort
Un der himl iz bloy nokhanand..

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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