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Gnesin Concert

Hi JESS folks,
For those of you who missed the Gnesin concerts in Amsterdam, Geneva or
London, there is  going to be another concert in the Netherlands at the
Delft Synagogue on 16 February at 3.00 PM.
Mikhail Gnesin (1883-1957) was one of the founders of the Petersburg
'Society for Jewish Folk Music' in 1908, and was pretty much the musical
counterpart of Chagall. His compositions were blacklisted after Stalin's
takeover and have recently been rediscovered. This program gives a
comprehensive picture of a great composer who has wrongly been forgotten.
"The music of Gnesin will be one of the discoveries of the 21st century."
(A. Yusfin)

Songs and chamber music will be performed by:
Sovali - soprano
Michel Marang - clarinet
Marten Boeken - violin
Alexander Oratovski - cello
Reinild Mees - piano
Michael Vatcher - percussion

Synagogue Delft, Koornmarkt 12, Delft
Information and reservations: +31 (0)15 2563371 / 2567611

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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