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Re: gelbart

Dear Lorin and all the list eavesdroppers ...

I am so glad I opened the Gelbart issue in the first place -- he has not yet
been given his due as music educator, composer, arranger, conductor -- but
Lori and Steve Greenman will be doing just that (and inspiring some audience
singalong I hope) at our upcoming September IAYC Conference in Baltimore
dedicated to Yiddish teachers: Heroes then and now.

He compiled special songbooks by age appropriateness, a novel idea in its
time - songs for class alef, beys, giml and daled and a special section for
holiday songs.

And yes, he did write and compose "Ikh Bin a Kleyner Dreydl"

As an Arbeter Ring brat, I remember him coming out in all weathers on Sunday
morning to teach us "gezang".  Later on I participated in the Mitl Shul Khor
(chorus) at 3rd seders, concerts and Madison Square Garden rallies,
sometimes we were part of WEVD broadcasts. Have since learned that he taught
all over the place, as far south as Wilmington, DE.

I also remember his red hair and his temper -- especially with mitl shul
adolescents like us -- who did not share his love for repeating the same
phrase over and over and over again.  When he called for a repetitsiye, he
meant just that.

I recently inherited from my mother (o'h) an album of Gelbart-directed
kinder khor numbers -- it's a 78 and a bit before my time -- Abe Ellstein is
on the piano -- I am trying to make a decent recording for Lori but I lack
the right equipment and it's very hissy. The kid soloists are pretty
dramatic in the old style.

But Gelbart didn't only direct his own stuff; we learned and performed work
by the best and brightest, and that whole upbeat, optimistic culture of
shule and camp songs -- Mir Kumen On, Di Ban, Feld Arbert, Di Naye Tsayt,
Ikh Bin a Guter Muzikant (ikh kum fun freylakh land) and Yugnt Himn (from
Vilna) to name a few.

And yes, I love your rendition of Di Maysele.

Zay gezunt un shtark.

Sylvia (Tsipele)

For info on the conference see fishl's website -- you can
click right onto the material. We add info every month.

on 1/9/03 10:39 AM, Lorin Sklamberg at lsklamberg (at) yivo(dot)cjh(dot)org 

> I sing A maysele on Di grine katshke - it's one of my favorite songs. Also
> nicely recorded by Jan Bart and Jacinta (though not together).
> BTW, Lori's cd rocks!
> Mr. Lorin Sklamberg, Sound Archivist
> YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
> 15 West 16th Street
> New York, NY 10011
> Tel. (212) 294-6169
> Fax (212) 292-1892
> lsklamberg (at) yivo(dot)cjh(dot)org
>> ----------
>> From:  Lori Cahan-Simon
>> Reply To:  jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>> Sent:  Wednesday, January 8, 2003 5:58 PM
>> To:  World music from a Jewish slant
>> Subject:  Re: gelbart
>> Ah, I knew I'd hear from you at last, Tsipele.  Those are some of my
>> favorites, too.  A maysele is a beautiful song that I don't hear in
>> anyone's repertoire that I'm thinking of putting on the CD.  Anyone else?
>> Lorele
>> Sylvia Schildt wrote:
>> on 1/8/03 5:36 PM, Lori Cahan-Simon at  l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org
>> wrote:
>> Sigh, is no one familiar enough with Gelbart to have
>> favorites?
>> Lorele
>> A few to start jogging memories ....
>> Mit libshaft,
>> Sylvia
>> Zalmele
>> The Yiddish Khad Gadyo from the WC Haggadah
>> Oyfn Nil  - ditto
>> Treyst Mayn Folk  - words by Peretz
>> In An Orem Shtibele - Patche Patche Kikhelekh
>> A Meisele  (In Himl Shvimt a Volkndl, A Volkndl On Ru)
>> and of course, the Dreidl Song
>> ----------------------  jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>> ---------------------+

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