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Re: gelbart

Regarding Maysele (In Himl Shvimt), I "cheated" and checked the U Penn/Freedman 
Yiddish Song Database. :)

I think the only entry that's not yet covered is the following (excerpted 

Any idea what that is? It seems it might literally be some guy (Abe)'s casette 
hooked up to a radio receiving Kol Israel?  

Title: A Maysele (In Himl Shvimt...)
Author: Bialostotsky, B. J.
Composer: Gelbart, Mikhl (1889-1962)
Artist_1: Levin, Ruth
FirstLine: In himl shvimt a volkendl, a volkendl un ru,
Comment: From Israeli Radio - Courtesy of Abe Chasid
Origin: Gelbart 054
Transliteration: Bugatsh 173
Music: Bugatsh 173
Keywords: Vig Lid Children Nature

Abe's recording looks pretty good if you follow the link.  Anyone know about 
it?  Thanks,

Mark David
Yiddish Voice, Brookline, MA -


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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