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Fwd: Hi Ari

> From: Aesthete30 (at) aol(dot)com

> I wanted to post a concert that my Mom and I are doing at Tonic:
> Klezmer Brunch at Tonic Presents: 
> Elaine Hoffman Watts
> Susan Watts Hoffman 
> and 
> The Fabulous Speilkehs! 
> Rachel Lemisch, trombone. Jay Krush, tuba. 
> Katt Flagg, accordion.
> January 12, 2003
> Tonic 107 Norfolk
> Shows @ 1:30 and 3:00 pm
> 212-358-7501
> Help Rid the World of Unnecessary Shandas
> Come to hear and see Elaine Hoffman Watts, the heiress of the Hoffman family
> klezmer dynasty, play drums live and in concert! 
> "An uncompromisingly groovy show.."
> everyone who's ever seen it 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------
> Thank you, Susan Watts Hoffman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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